Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Database Design where some products are T-shirts with different sizes


I'm wondering what would be the best approach to designing a database that will have different products one of them being T-Shirts of different sizes... for example 1 t-shirt design might only have 2 available sizes while another may have 4. I'm kinda stumped on how to approach this cuz there is multiple products like CD's, DVD's, Magazines etc which is pretty straight forward, but the T-shirts have this "variable" to it.

What i'm really wondering is should i have 1 main "Products" Table or should i have a separate table for the t-shirts?
Should there be a column for each available size?

Currently my database has a "products table" that has foreign keys to "Product Type", "Artists", "Genre"

The database is basically for a record company

If anyone has designed a database similar to this i'd love any insight or even possibly to see a database diagram


Here is my suggestion:

Table: Products
Id - PK

Table: Attributes
Id - PK

Table: AttributeValues
Id - PK
AttributeId - FK

Table: ProductAttributes
Id - PK
ProductId - FK
AttributeId - FK

In your order line, you will have to store the ProductID And then in a child table store the zero to many associated ProductAttributeId's. Here is an example

Table: Products
Id - 1
Name - Men's ABC Polo
Description - Nice Shirt
Price - 20.00
Id - 2
Name - Women's ABC Polo
Description - Nice Shirt
Price - 25.00

Table: Attributes
Id - 100
Name - Men's Sizes
Label - Size
Id - 101
Name - Women's Sizes
Label - Size

Table: AttributeValues
Id - 201
AttributeId - 101
Value - Small
Id - 202
AttributeId - 101
Value - Medium
Id - 203
AttributeId - 101
Value - Large
Id - 204
AttributeId - 101
Value - Extar Large
Id - 205
AttributeId - 102
Value - Extra Small
Id - 206
AttributeId - 102
Value - Small
Id - 207
AttributeId - 102
Value - Medium

Table: ProductAttributes
Id - 300
ProductId - 1
AttributeId - 101
Id - 301
ProductId - 2
AttributeId - 102

The attrubutes are reuseable accross multiple products and the use of attributes is optional. When you take the order you would store the product id of 1 for a Man's polo with the attribute value in another table relating to the line item. You put this in another table so you can have potentially multiple attribute values.

Make sense? Just one way of many... this was off the top of my head and it is late.

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